Monday 6 May 2013

Part 8 Evaluation

Looking back at your Preliminary task , what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full project? 


Digital Technology :

The digital technology i used for the making of my preliminary task , was the use of HD cameras as well as I movie programme. As it was my first time using an I movie programme i had to adjust to it , my preliminary task exploited my Skills on the Imovie i believe. Due to the fact i was new to the software and had never before touched this sort of programme and was not used to editing. Which meant i had to learn a lot of things in a short period of time , and my whole preliminary task was rather lacking the skill which i later gained. However the use of a HD camera did benefit in my preliminary task , because it was mobile for the sort of task i was asked to do. Therefore i realised that the continuity editing would not be easy but it would look very good if i used it on this HD camera. The continuity editing on this preliminary task was a bit rough however i still managed to keep it smooth. This was one aspect which i bettered when making my British social realism opening sequence , i had better contiguity exercise. Another thing which i bettered in my opening sequence was my skills on i movie , the credits on my opening sequence where used more wisely and efficiently than in my preliminary task,

Creativity :

During my preliminary task the story line was a bit brief and was used a lot. However i did keep a mystery in a character creating enigma. However one disadvantage would Be that this was very common and not very innovative. I took this experience of being very common and used it to inspire me when i was making my British social realism film. In my plenimary task i didn't use many British social realism themes which did prove to be a downfall. For my British social realism opening sequence i had bettered the story line immensely. By using more elements of British social realism as well. However the main factor to my success of the opening sequence compared to the plenimary task was the originality of the work. It was all original which required out of the box thinking , but inspiration from other British social realism films. For example the enigma between what character was talking to my character compared to my story line of Yusuf boycotting his religion to do sports shows how i have improved in creativity. My opening sequence has a darker theme towards it as well as a darker story line,

Post production :

The editing on my plenimary task , consisted of a titles as well as credits. The disadvantages was that there was a massive jump from my Title to my actual piece on the plenimary task. Whereas in my opening sequence for my British social realism was better as i faded the black background into my boxing glove for the first shot. This proved to be a lot more effective than my other title because the preliminary task title had no relation towards what was going to happen next. This shows how i have developed my skills because i can now use the software to my advantage , as well as the facts i can use the shots which i got better. Because in my plenimary task there was a lot of unwanted shots but i had no option to use them which caused a massive jump , however in my opening sequence i used this to my advantage and this occurred for my fade in fact. Where i faded the black background into UN-wanted footage of my boxing glove.

Research and Planning :

First of all the planning for my plenimary exercise did not go bad at all. The key scenes were shot , and the specific type of shots needed in order for a certain effect were done. However a drawback of our planning would be that we did not take into consideration our access towards a few things. For example our planning had said we needed a dark room with no light coming in. We could not pull of the room with no light , this affected our production immensely as we could not get the best effect. However in my opening sequence we took into consideration what was available to us and how easy it was to access it. And we wrote a lot more options for it which is where our research came into it. It went down a lot better as our boxing alleyway was not accessible however we used another alleyway shown in my final opening sequence. This shows that our skills in research and planning has bettered immensely as instead of comprising we had different alternatives set up and we made sure that it does not effect my production of my opening sequence as it did effect my production of the preliminary task.

Evaluation Part 7

Part 6 Evaluation

Part 5 Evaluation

How does your media product represent particular social groups ?

The main character in my media product , is a young British Asian by the name of Yusuf. His character is of the typical British teenager . Throughout my media product he is portrayed as a very passionate teenager for his sport. He is also shown as being ambitious due to the fact he starts from the estates of Essex and eventually starts making his name in the boxing ranks of Britain.

This close up shot of our character ,Yusuf, in the mirror is the first shot showing the character properly. The use of the close up shot , enabled the audience to see that he is Asian as well as having a mosque hat on his head. This close up was the first real sighting of our main character. The audience will stereotype him , their first impressions of the character will be what they stereotype him to be. The stereotypical views we aimed to achieve from this shot was ; " He's a terrorist". This stereotype is very often linked with Muslim people. Another stereotypical view we tried to achieve from this shot is that he is a typical Asian " chav" . This stereotype will be because of the costume of the character , as he is in a tracksuit. Which shows poverty , as well as having an association with crime because most British social realism films tend to show young criminal characters in jogging bottoms or dressed down characters if they are committing their petty crime. Lastly another stereotype which we intended to be shown from this close up shot , was that it shows his dedication. This is because he is going to the mosque , showcasing his qualities as a Muslim. However this denotes the fact that our character is not in fact dedicated towards his Religion but his hobby ; Boxing.

From this over-the shoulder shot , a lot is revealed about our character. He is looking back to his house , and secretively taking his hat off. This rebellious act , almost immediately puts a different slogan on the character in terms of the audiences views. He went from being an obedient and dedicated young boy ,to a rebellion and secretive teenager. I say teenager due to the fact most teenagers are mostly associated with these traits. In British society , teenagers are looked upon as if the cause of all bad things after a series of shocking events in the united kingdom , such as the London riots. Now our character Yusuf , has automatically changed the audience's views on the himself , and his social group is now more like the youthful British social teenagers which Britain look down upon.

This is a long shot of our character , the long shot helps us to establish the scenery. The background clearly shows that it is very run down and the character is running through an alleyway. One thing which British social realist films emphasise on a lot , is the use of unvarnished things. Meaning they show everything how it is without trying to make it better. They do this to show how bad areas are sometimes. We decided to add this shot because we needed to add a bit of British social realism ideology in order to get the right feel to the film. And this location gives the audience the feeling of poverty , hardship. These are main themes which occur in British social realism. The use of the mise en scene in our location has helped us adjust towards the British social realism genre , now the film is given a different stereotypical view because poverty is portrayed and it shows the character is living through tough times.

This is an establishing close up shot. This shot reveals a lot about the film itself. First of all the mise en scene ; It is a mosque. The mosque does look very makeshift , showing that the local mosque is not funded well which obviously means the neighbourhood which the character lives in must be no different in terms of status and image. Again this links into the ideology of film four of having unvarnished subjects , it also brings the elements of British social realism themes into it as it reveals poverty and hardship again. One other connotation from this close up is the narrative. This is the pivotal moment within the story , Yusuf ignores the mosque calling and instead has his sights on his boxing session. This gives the audience the sense that he is widely dedicated that he is even risking sin from his god. It also creates an enigma to why he is boycotting his religion. In terms of the stereotypical views given on this shot , it would be that people will say the young Muslims don't realise the importance of Islam. More widely people may come to the conclusion that the youth don't value religion.

Part 4 of evaluation

Part 3 Evaluation

Part 2 Evaluation