Monday 6 May 2013

Part 1 Evaluation

When producing our very own media product , we had to stick to our plans such as our productions schedules , scripts and other planning made by our partners regarding the production of the film. However although these were big factors which decided our production , the "Brief" which we were working towards was our main priority. The Brief was entirely what i was working towards. The key elements of the brief i needed to follow was embedded into my film. These key elements consisted of : Ensuring my target audience is for my media product 16-24 year old , Create the first two minutes of a British social realism film which should show the graphical musical and editing style to it , to meet the audiences expectations of the media product and finally that all the audio (soundtrack , music etc.) and the camera work (visual) are all original.
Our title for our media product is , "southpaw". There are many connotations towards this title. The term it self , Southpaw , is a boxing term. Boxing is our main theme , and the whole films is based around the sport. The term means a boxer who has the forefront of his stance (defence) by his right hand. Whereas the opposite of this is orthodox. We chose this title because it mixed perfectly as we had the boxing theme as well as the fact our character is not orthodox at all meaning he is not the usual boxer nor is he the average young person. This is because our character is different to all other boxers , due to the fact he is forbidden to Box in his religion however makes the sacrifice. The other main connotation of our title goes back to our definition of southpaw itself. Southpaw again means the boxer defends himself with his right hand and the left being the stronger. Islam being the religion of our character , does not respect the use of left hand. In the religion it is forbidden to eat with the left hand , it is also forbidden to greet somebody with the left hand as well as give things as well as take things with the left hand. It is almost like the dirty work hand. This is very relevant towards our story line because the character is in fact forbidden to Box in his religion and hes parents disagree with it. And the fact that Southpaw is a boxing term , which clearly states that the boxer uses his left hand most effectively we decided to use it because our character using his left hand most effectively means he is doing a forbidden deed which boxing itself is forbidden for our character. In our opening sequence we show our main character Yusuf , who deceives his father by telling him his going to the mosque. Where as in actual truth he takes off his mosque hat when he leaves the hat , in irony the moment he takes his hat off is the moment he changes. he then jogs to the route of his boxing gym. However he comes across the mosque , and ignores the mosque calling and carries on going to the boxing. Throughout this opening sequence i have touched many British social realism themes , one of them is the occurrence of poverty. With many of the backgrounds and scenery it was easy told that the place required more work towards it or some maintenance as it looked very gritty and run down. These were places such as the mosque and the alley way in which Yusuf was running in.

The opening sequence sets up the movie in the right direction , because now people understand the main theme in this film which is of course the whole "Boxing Vs Religion " case.  Also the opening sequence emphasises the snub of the religion , which is a very important scene within the whole film. Because in the latter stages of the film this decision comes back to haunt him in terms of Karma.
This is the narrative for the opening sequence from my Treatment :
" The opening sequence will consist of: Yusuf leaving hes house where he is meant to be going mosque however when he arrives then stops and then Carry's on past the mosque to go hes boxing training instead. On the way home he is then faced with a problem as he is confronted by a Gang .

The clothes that will be worn will be normal jogging bottoms and jackets as it shows how the middle class live. the music will be Grime as it is a common genre of music for the lower class people and for people that like sports. "
My opening sequence relates towards my treatment effectively , because the narrative of my opening sequence is exactly what actually happens other than the fact of the gang. I didn't add the gang bit due to the fact i felt there were too many elements from British social realism and it would just be an overload. Instead i decided to focus more on the poverty , religion and grime topics of British social realism.

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