Tuesday 30 April 2013

Production log 9

What have been the key issues in the post production ?

This week was the last week in terms of our whole post production as well as post production. Meaning our Final opening sequence should be more or less ready by this week. We started the week by looking over our adjustments from the feedback we had got , and then asked for advice from external people out of the class. They had suggested we re film one scene , in which the camera was shaky at the point Yusuf was running down the stairs.
After addressing this situation of the stairs , we felt that we was more or less ready with the production as well as post production.
However we did leave out the titles and production logo till the end as we thought it would be easy. This did seem at the time a good decision however it did prove to come to haunt us. The titles and production logo took a lot longer than we thought. Therefore we had to spend many sessions after school , during break periods etc. in order for us to get all the titles and the logo itself in. The font it self which we made from live type had already been sorted, it was just a matter of making the production logo and importing all the credits and Titles. We acted upon this issue by coming back frequently during that week and spending more time as we felt we had to buy time for us to finish our product at its best quality.
 ( final production logo )
Overall this post production week has been very hectic and busy , which i would change if i could go back. And will note when i do post production and production next year , i will learn how to plan things better as well as organising my self better in order to get the work done at its best quality as well as on time.
(Credit used)

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