Sunday 27 January 2013

Analysis of a bad opening sequence

Battered and Bruised

This is the opening of the clip. As you can see the logo is an eletric guitar and a skull. Which is not the best representation of a british institution. Also the music is of a rock and heavy metal combined. This will not outline to the audience that they are in for a british social realism film , which carries the genre of being more sad and disasterous rather than being hyped and excited. Finally the text of the insitution called " hell jumper studios " gives us a rock feeling. Instead of a feeling of any mystery , however one credit is that it does mach the theme of rock in the film.

In this scene , the two male characters are playing an eletric guitar very enthuisiasticly. This is a prolonged part of the opening sequence , the music as i have adressed before does not match the genre it should have such as british social realism. Instead the music gives it the rock genre. Also this has no relevance as to what british social realism means at all.

This is a low shot of the character , giving him a lot of power. However normally in a british social realism a character with character is shown as more gritty , violent . This character cannot be associated with them traits , as he is being seen as more scruny and tidy. The hair is to neat also , to be linked to british social realism as they are normally more scruffy. As british social realism trys to show poverty , he does not look to be suffering of any poverty.

This is a picture of a character who is meant to be associaed with violence , and grittyness. However she approaches none of this , she is shown more happy and well dressed. This again is another flaw which you do not catch in british social realism films , because normally the appearance of a character can show they are violent or come from a hardship life. This girl however is dressed suitble enough to be classed as middle class , when the aim for these types of characters is more low class or working class. A chav's appearance would be one to emaluate in this scene.

This is a scene where both the characters have acclompished something. Possibly being the completion of a cd. They then greet each other for it . This is not an urban way to greet another in which young people do in british social realism. And british social realism will definately promote this in any of their films to show what goes on in britain , because this has no "streetwise" towards it.

This is a long shot of again the two main male characters. Again the mise en scene shows a very polished and clean background. This does not apply to the british social realism. Also the two characters customes , are very tight and stylish. However in a normal british social realism theme it would be baggy or ripped . I would improve this by showing some real sighn of poverty , possibly ripped clothes or old clothes. As well as this i would make the background look more gritty and un varnished as it is to polished now.

In this scene the characters have met with the supposed violent people in the film. However they're facial expression is told by the poor use of mise en scene. This is not a good reaction , and in british social realism more fear is shown in body expression. If i was to edit this i would make the people look down aswell as have more negative body expression. Such as being more slouched than being upheld .

As you can see the posture of the characters feet is a bit blurry. Therefore the quality of camera work is extremely poor , i would work on this. I would take more time on the shots and shoot them to perfection. It is visible this shot is rushed.

This is the ending of the opening sequence. From previouse work i have felt curious , from a cliff hanger or possibly a good ending. However in this case i have not felt any interest to know what will happen next. I would change this by possibly ending the opening sequence to the beginning of the two male characters being assulted. Then it would give more of an enigma as to if they will fight back , or whether they actually was going to get hit.

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