Sunday 27 January 2013

Analysis of a good opening sequence


Written Syria

As you can see on the time line of the video , this is the intro of the opening sequence. The back-ground is a dark black theme. This is used in a good technique , as the next scene is also a dark black background. Therefore it sets the theme of darkness already for the audience. Another good thing about the beginning of the clip is that the name " Anonymous Productions" aswell as their logo ,( a question mark ) , sets the topic of mystery. Which then makes the audience think , and this statergy is used more than once in the video. As there is a anoymous person in the video . Showing on the whole that the name and logo of the insitiution suits the theme of the whole video it self.

In the mid shot  ,(above), the character's upper torso is covered in blood. He's vest is also ripped. Showing that he has been involved in some sort of monstrositity or violence. But due to the facial expression shown by the character is that he is almost baffled. This is backed up later in his dialogue of asking where he is . The shot is a mid shot , which is used to show everything in the set at the specific shot. This brings me onto the mise en scene of this shot , hes custome connotes violence and pain. Which then leads the genre to be of a violent sort. Aswell as the previous information giving the mysterious effect of the shot , this then adds to the genre of the film making it more of a myserious theme. This shot of the male character is used very well , as it sets an inigma as to why he is like that. And people then are more interested into the story and will continue to watch the film. Which is what all instituions aim for in a successful opening sequence.

This image , (above) , is during a shot reverse shot. This is in the middle of a dialogue between the anomalous character and the character covered in blood. The low shot of the character , gives him more power compared to the other character. The unknown character is dressed in black , aswell as covering his face. Therefore it sets mystery on to who this character actually is. This part of the scene is used really well as the audience now get more information as to why the character covered in blood is in the state he is. The dialogue of the unknown character is , " tell me where it is !" . His voice is very imperative , this identifies more of the story line. Again this is used well because the audience are now understanding more of the story , and are more curiouse.

Moving along the scene , this picture above shows the male character in distraught and pain. Again setting an early genre of violence. However the main point i gathered from this , is the sound of the character. Aswell as the fact he is in pain to talk and is almost crying shows he cannot handle anymore torture. You can identify the character more , because of his accent. I have previousely worked on regional identity , however this character's voice is not of a british accent.Therefore it excludes the british regions. It is of a different identity towards any in british culture , and this can be linked to the title. "Written Syria". Possibly meaning that the character is from syria therefore enhances a syrian accent of english. The representation of syrian people is positive here , as the english of the character although doesnt sound home grown is very fluent. Meaning the character is educated and therefore giving a positive representation of syrian people and syria it self. This part of the opening sequence is used very effiencently because the use of sound outlines more to the story line and again gives more information on to who these characters are.

  This is a close up on to the main character of the opening sequence. From the type of shot it tells us that he is injured. He has a black eye , this again adds to the further violence conducted in the opening sequence. The close up helps us also get a closer look as to what the character actually looks like . Because in the dark it was a bit harder. However now you can see the person is not english , and is of a more asian/arabic ethnicity. Again this matches the title and the whole theme of "syria" . Meaning this shot has been used well again because it is setting the theme and is always showing us more of the character . Aswell as giving us an insight on to what the film will be about , as we all know asian people do recieve racial injustice. And the close up identifies the character is asian , which means the audience now have some ideas as to what the whole movie may be about.

The italic use of texts on this part of the opening sequence , gives the whole project a more unique look. It has a vintage look towards it , it can be described as un-ordinary towards what other institutions use in their work. Again connoting the fact the character is not english and is like the font of the text , an outlier . Also the sound in this scene is arabic music. Syria is part of the arabian republic, and their spoken language is arabic. Therefore this sound has a lot of relevance as it suits the theme of the film. Sound has been used very well in this matter due to that fact it matches towards the whole theme of "syria" , also the texts were used well to show vintageness and different . Which connotes with the character aswell who is again different to what normal british social realism films use ; home grown characters.

In this picture the most eye catching thing is of course the toe sticking out of character's toes. This can mean many things. One of them is that the character is possibly suffering from poverty therefore cannot afford any new socks. This could mean that this character is a refugee or an asylum seeker from syria. As syria is suffering a civil war at the moment. However the other side of this image , is that the insitution could be connoting that along with that one toe being the only one not in the sock , the character could be the only syrian among all british people .

From the mise en scene of this picture , there is a flag syria aswell as a suit case on top of a wardrobe. The syrian flag shows that any uncertainity of the character's nationality is rubbished. As he hangs it up high and in pride . Which is a very common ritual to do for whatever country your from. Almost to make it feel as if your at home. The other prop in the scene was the suitcase. Again this connotes the fact about the refugee or asylum seeker. We did have a positive representation on syrian people previousely in this video , however now they are given more of a negative view. This is because , all the connnotation i have explained shows that the syrian are in need of help. And in fact a weak source.

The final shot i have picked , is a high shot again of the Syrian character. This makes the character look weak and fragile. The action before this was that he took his flag off the wardrobe , almost as if he was ashamed of the flag and took it off. This could be due to peer pressure of all the british people in his new country. Again a negative potrayal of syran people shows that they are weak . As the character is surrending towards peer pressure.

Overall the representation of Syria is seen more fragile and weak towards the end of the clip . The audience expectation is not that clear. The theme is british social realism , however i only know of this due to it being a case study. To the other audiences , one thing i would have made more clear was to make this seem more clear on to it being a british social realism genre. Meaning it didnt establish the genre as well as it would have hoped. However it still was a brilliant piece of work , outlining all the simple media skills. Meaning their style was very good , they put in effort into their mise en scene , camera work and editing which is probably one reason why this video was good.


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